Perhaps you are currently asking why your website is increasingly not improving, even down on the SERP. This may be one of the big questions for you today. Errors in managing the website are not much that realize it. Here I will give you a little bit about tips to manage the website will be able to continue to its main search page and to persevere in the search page. This is not an easy task, because we know that our competitors might just as well do of course we do not know. For one thing that we must do is improve yourself or rearranging well, so that the website can be kept on the search page without any reduction. Here are some tips to manage a website that you should do soAny website can continue to search the yard.
how to manage the website
The first thing we often forget is about posting our website, this is an easy job, but not a lot of a few people want to do a post with the right agent. Many are wrong in this case, you need to know, too, that would somehow google or other search engines, are very pleased with the website that continues to provide the latest information, it means that if your website is not currently frequent updates would be easily displaced by competitors.
To post no suggestion for each day, but at least one week there should be a new minimum or maybe in one month 3 times this post will provide a positive impact for your website. Remember…!!! search engines will continue to evolve to look for a website that always provides the latest information.
Managing a website is not easy, but if your website is increasingly the weight would not be good, for it periodically checks your website through online tools like gtmetrix. With you care about the speed of your site, it will be increasingly difficult to beat your competitor, the score for the speed of the site if you use gtmetrix must be above 80%. Why must check the speed of the site? You need to know as well, today's search engines will rate the site of the speed of access and it is instead to provide a better user experience better, it means that if your site is slow to be granted exemption, and if a competitor is faster, then you must accept the results, For Wordpress users can use the plug-in cache to speed up site, It was the second point on how to manage the website.
Broken links are also one of the causes of the problem of why websites you can descend from the search results, the more broken links you receive it will get worse in the eyes of your website search engine. Unconsciously indeed broken link be one subject that is often ignored by the owner of the website whose impact is not very good. For that immediately improve your site right now, fix all the permalink causing broken links. This is the next step to manage a website that is not easy to slide with competitors.
If talking about bounce rate is not easy, the article we do not know how a visitor can linger website us and go to another page, but to provide a better experience as the latest content by linking your old content or provide the related post and the widget will give users referrals to open another page. Bounce rate is also a problem if we let it. For that try to reduce the bounce rate so that the website can be kept in the SERP. If you do not understand about bounce rate could read what is bounce rate?
Especially for WordPress platform users often do not think about the update plugin or theme. This is wrong about the wrong stau in managing the website, although it does not provide a significant impact to SEO, with the latest version update will reduce new problems in managing the website. Therefore if you see no immediate update plugins do updates for the website to avoid problems in the future.
Those are some important points which I often do to manage the website. Do not continually focus on link building to maintain the position of your website, but focus on our own website, only then do the outside. Link building does not always give positive things to the site, find the link is good and natural, it will be better than you pumping from the wrong website.